
At Evolve Learning Centre we aim to work with individuals who find themselves struggling with mainstream education. Our main ethos has been summarised in our strap line ‘where learning never stops’. It is the vision of the Evolve directors that students that come to Evolve continue to learn and broaden their horizons. Staff at Evolve are expected to support students to reach their potential and support them in dealing with the difficulties they may be experiencing.

We work closely with individuals and their families, helping them to make positive decisions by providing the support, skills and knowledge they need to move forward.

Our personalised approach is used to help students make a smooth transition back into mainstream education where possible. In our experience a structured and well constructed education strategy allows for students to gain the necessary skills and confidence to challenge obstacles and break down barriers which may lead to deprivation and unemployment in the future.

The use of early intervention and a multi- disciplinary approach has allowed us to tailor our support to students according to their individual needs at the point of entering our centre.

We are looking forward to expanding our existing centre and increasing the opportunities that we provide for our students.